Ethics, Integrity,and Aptitude
This paper will include questions to testthe candidates’ attitude and approach toissues relating to integrity, probity in pub-lic life and his problem solving approachto various issues and conflicts faced byhim in dealing with society. Questionsmay utilise the case study approach todetermine these aspects. The followingbroad areas will be covered.
- Ethics and Human Interface:Essence, determinants and con-sequences of Ethics in humanactions; dimensions of ethics;ethics in private and public rela-tionships. Human Values – les-sons from the lives and teachingsof great leaders, reformers andadministrators; role of family, soci-ety and educational institutions ininculcating values.
- Attitude: content, structure, func-tion; its influence and relation withthought and behaviour; moral andpolitical attitudes; social influenceand persuasion.
- Aptitude and foundational valuesfor Civil Service , integrity, impar-tiality and non-partisanship, objec-tivity, dedication to public service,empathy, tolerance and compas-sion towards the weaker-sections.
- Emotional intelligence-concepts,and their utilities and application inadministration and governance.
- Contributions of moral thinkers andphilosophers from India and world.
- Public/Civil service values andEthics in Public administration:Status and problems; ethical con-cerns and dilemmas in govern-ment and private institutions; laws,rules, regulations and conscienceas sources of ethical guidance;accountability and ethical gover-nance; strengthening of ethicaland moral values in governance;ethical issues in international rela-tions and funding; corporate gov-ernance.
- Probity in Governance: Concept ofpublic service; Philosophical basisof governance and probity;Information sharing and trans-parency in government, Right toInformation, Codes of Ethics,Codes of Conduct, Citizen’sCharters, Work culture, Quality ofservice delivery, Utilization of pub-lic funds, challenges of corruption.
- Case Studies on above issues.